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This section describes content which has been removed or replaced. The information here does not apply to the current version of Stellarity.

Removed in version: vIndev-1.6a

Living Flesh (Old)

Living Flesh was a consumable item which provided extreme healing when eaten, but in return severely weakened the player for a short time.

Tooltip You can feel it moving in your hands


1 - 8 Living Flesh could be found inside of chests in End Dungeons.

Alternatively, void fishing in the Flesh Tundra could yield 2 - 6 per catch, and there was also a 70% chance for a Hematic Crate to contain 1 - 2 Living Flesh.


After eating Living Flesh, players would get Regeneration VII for 3 seconds, which healed a total of 60❤ x ₃₀ health. However, players would also be inflicted with a decaying Weakness effect for 30 seconds - 15 seconds of Weakness II, fading into 15 seconds of Weakness I.


  • This was one of the first items to have ever been added to Stellarity.
  • This is the only item to have been removed in one update and then readded a few updates later.


  • 🚀 Reworked and readded.
  • 🔥 Removed.
  • 🟢 Now heals upon consumption.
  • 🟡 Now applies Weakness for 30 seconds instead of Hunger.
  • Now obtainable through void fishing.
  • 🚀 Introduced.