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Removed in version: 2.1a


Sabrewing is a post-Dragon bow with the ability to supercharge shots for massively increased damage and arrow velocity.

Sabrewing can be enchanted with any Bow enchantment.

Sabrewing can be repaired by fusing it with a different Bow.

Damage Variable
Attack Speed Slow
Tooltip Supercharge your shots
for increased damage and velocity

'It might be broken'
Durability 504


Sabrewing can be crafted at the Altar of The Accursed by combining a regular Bow, 10 Feathers, 12 Gold Ingots and a single Netherite Bar. The enchantments from the Bow used to craft it will be safely transferred to the outcome item.


With Sabrewing, players can choose to supercharge their shot by drawing it for a total of 3 seconds. Supercharging will directly increase arrow velocity and damage by 60%. Arrows will also gain the ability to pierce through 1 mob to hit another one directly behind it. However, shot arrows will combust after colliding with a block, making them irrecoverable.

While charging Sabrewing, players move 25% slower compared to charging regular Bows.


  • Stay at a safe distance and try to snipe all the targets. Due to its longer draw time, it is discouraged to use it in closer range battles.
    • 60% more velocity means longer range, which further suggests sniping targets from a distance.


  • This item is based on Sabrewing from Minecraft: Dungeons.
    • Surprisingly, its special ability isn't based on the weapon itself, but on enchantments from the game - Overcharge and Dynamo.
  • Its tooltip is a reference to the fact that during some time in development it had the ability take out every mob (even bosses) with Power V.
    • It is also a reference to kohara's initial testing, where the item dealt about a 1000 damage per shot due to an oversight.
  • This items used to function differently some time during the development of 2.0a.
    • Its draw time used to be 15 seconds, and it applied a rising damage multiplier which scaled with it. Max multiplier was 9x.
      • This was changed as even though the damage per hit was great, Sabrewing's DPS was inferior to any other end-game ranged weapon's.


Icon Title Description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource Location
Cursed Crafting Use the Altar of The Accursed to craft some powerful gear An Introduction to Dark Magic ❌ stellarity:aota/cursed_crafting


  • 🔥 Removed.
  • 🔴 Increased supercharge time by 1s (2s -> 3s).
  • 🟢 Improved visual and sound effects for supercharged shots.
  • 🚀 Introduced.