Consecration is a mechanic that allows you to change items into different ones, by dropping them into Shimmer, or the water in The Hallowed.
Permanent buffs¶
- Golden Carrot -> Lucky Carrot
- Poisonous Potato -> Cleansing Potato
- Rabbit Stew -> Endurance Stew
- Beetroot -> Rageroot
- Sweet Berries -> Fury Berries
- Chorus Fruit -> Energizing Fruit
- Enchanted Golden Apple -> Miracle Fruit
- Learn more about these Here
Transumations usually work both ways, or loop at some point
- Any Leaves -> Cherry Leaves
- Any Log/Stripped Log/Wood/Stripped Wood -> Cherry equivalent
- Wither Rose -> Poppy
- Dead Bush -> Pink Petals
- Turtle Egg -> Scute
- Apple -> Chorus Fruit (needs to be thrown in again to turn it into Chaos Fruit)
- Ink Sac <-> Glow Ink Sac
- Brick <-> Nether Brick
- Lapis Lazuli -> Quartz
- Quartz -> Redstone
- Redstone -> Lapis Lazuli
- Slime Block <-> Honey Block
- Torch <-> Soul Torch
- Lantern <-> Soul Lantern
- Campfire <-> Soul Campfire
- Glowstone <-> Shroomlight
- Iron Block -> Hallowed Ingot (1 : 2 conversion ratio)
- Iron Armor -> Chainmal Armor
- Music Disc 5 -> Music Disc Relic
- Coal <-> Charcoal
- Calibrated Sculk Sensor -> Sculk Sensor
- Azalea <-> Flowering Azalea
- Sand <-> Red Sand (also applies to Sandstone and its variants)
- Obsidian <-> Crying Obsidian
- Music Disc 13 <-> Music Disc Cat
- Clock <-> Compass
- Magma Cream <-> Blaze Powder
- Nether Gold Ore <-> Gilded Blackstone
- Chorus Flower -> Spore Blossom
- Pumpkin <-> Melon
Note that all conversions (unless stated) follow a 1 : 1 conversion ratio, meaning the number of outcome items is the same as number of input items.
- Remember that this exists.